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Thursday, December 29, 2011

7 billion !? - Only in the Philippines

In a simple projection presented by the United Nations many years ago, they estimated that by October 12, 1999 the world will reach the 6 Billion population mark. It was also revealed by the UN Population Division in its report that the world population will reach the 7 billion mark in 2013, the 8 billion mark in 2028, the 9 billion mark in 2054 and by 2200 the world would have stabilized its population at 10 billion.

Notice, however, that it is only 2011 and the projection of the UN came two years early. In addition, the UN marked October 30th as the day for welcoming new born babies around the world with a lavish welcome. Each baby born on the date is considered the 7 billionth baby.

 Despite the celebration, there loom certain problems to this population increase. A question on this matter hangs: will there be enough food, clean water, shelter, education, healthy living and a decent life for every person on the planet?

World estimates of 2011 states that there are 19 births per 1,000 population and there are 8 deaths per 1,000 population. Thus, the inevitability of such problems from rising should not be taken lightly because there are more persons born than there are deaths.
In the U.N. report , 80% of the world currently reside in less developed regions; world life expectancy at birth is now at 65 years, having increased by a remarkable 20 years since 1950; by 2050 life expectancy is expected to exceed 76 years and the population of the world is ageing. Couples in developing countries have average 3 children each; thirty years ago they had six. More than half of all couples in developing countries now use contraception.

Yet despite these, the world becomes a more optimistic place to live in. The 7 billion population would mean there  will more people to help educate other people; more people to help feed other people; more people who will be  environmentally pro-active to help in sustaining and maintaining the cleanliness of the water we use for drinking; more people will be helping one another in reaching out to  the homeless and the needy. Astonishing as it may seem, the world can still hold its people in its arms—if the people are willing to give their hand, too.

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